What do the people who use the STAFFLINK platform say?
And what was their reaction when they booked a demo? For Vicki Lekanis, Head of Department for Jellis Craig Real Estate, the first time she saw the complete overview of her business that the STAFFLINK’s platform provides, it was a lightbulb moment. She had total clarity and just knew that she had found her path forward. See her describe this moment below:
“It just made sense” Vicki Lekanis, Jellis Craig.
Troy Pullar, from Harcourts, had a similar ‘lightbulb’ moment. As a client who started his journey with STAFFLINK after Vicki Lekanis, he was able to witness first hand the difference Vicki had made to her business. After seeing how much visibility, transparency, and control over her business she had achieved through her partnership with STAFFLINK. Losing staff didn’t have to be an issue. He now had an example to follow. See his ‘lightbulb’ moment here:
“Now I can find out instantly where everyone is at” Troy Pullar, Harcourts.
Short-term pain, Long-term Gain
Both Troy and Vicki’s journeys have not been without challenges. But because they had a clear vision and target to aim for, they were able to overcome the adversity and challenges that they faced.
One such challenge was push back from staff members who resisted the change that Troy and Vicki knew was required.
But sometimes losing staff, as Troy found out, is not a bad thing.
“Did we have a staff member leave because they didn’t like the new system? Yes.
Did we replace them? No.”
Troy’s business had become so much more efficient that he was able to easily manage her workload among the remaining staff without having to desperately search for a replacement.