STAFFLINK Conference 2021 Terms & Conditions | STAFFLINK

This is an Australian Website.

Conference Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellations must be received in writing – mail, email or fax – to Imagine Experiences or Stafflink. Cancellations will not be deemed to be received until you have written confirmation from Imagine Experiences or Stafflink. If you have not received acknowledgement within two business days, please contact the Events Team on +61 418 887 182. If you are cancelling any or all aspects of your booking: registration, accommodation and/or a tour/activity, this can be done with one correspondence.

Cancelling your Conference Registration

No refunds will be made for cancellations postmarked on or after Friday 30th April 2021. No shows will also incur a 100% cancellation fee.

Accommodation Terms and Conditions

Please book your accommodation via the link provided when registering your attendance for the conference; this can be done by using the online link or by sending an email to the Imagine Experiences. To confirm your booking, your supplied credit card will be provided for payment 7 days prior to your arrival for your accommodation costs. You will also be required to produce a credit card on check in for any incidental costs incurred during your stay.

Debit and credit cards will be authorised at check-in for all outstanding accommodation charges, plus an initial amount to cover any incidentals. Further pre-authorisation will be applied to your card if charges exceed the daily incidental amount. The funds are ‘holding’ only to guarantee payment. Pre-authorisation holds may take up to 30 days after departure to be released from your card. See the JW Marriott Front Desk for more information upon arrival.

If you need to cancel your accommodation booking, any refund whether cash or credit card, will be subject to the hotel cancellation policy. Therefore no accommodation refund can be guaranteed. Please note that there are surcharges on credit card transactions at most hotels; please contact the Imagine Experiences Team if you wish to know their individual rates.

If you alter your accommodation booking after you have checked in, please deal directly with the hotel. If you arrive 24 hours later than your indicated arrival day you may find that you have forfeited your deposit.

Payment Policy

Payment is accepted by credit card only.

American Express, MasterCard and Visa cards are accepted. Please note that a credit card administration fee of 1.65% will be incurred for Visa and MasterCard and a credit card administration fee of 1.98% will be incurred for American Express. This fee will appear on your tax invoice. Imagine Experiences Pty Ltd is responsible for processing all payments from your nominated card through an online merchant located in Australia.

Late Registrations

Registrations for the Stafflink Conference 2021 will close on close of business Monday 3rd May 2021 to enable appropriate pre-conference preparations. However late registrations will be accepted after this time in writing to the Imagine Experiences at

The organisers cannot guarantee that collateral, such as satchels, will be available to the late registering delegates. In addition, there is a risk that social program functions may be fully subscribed. This policy has been implemented to enable greater efficiency in the coordination necessary during the lead-up to the conference, and to ensure the most enjoyable conference experience possible for everyone involved.


In the event of government-imposed travel or border restrictions in relation to the current COVID-19 situation that will affect the delegates’ ability to travel, the organizers endeavor to reschedule the conference including accommodation arrangements to the same or higher value before the end of the 2021 calendar year, (subject to availability). We appreciate that things can change at short notice, so if you are unable to attend due to government restrictions, you will be guaranteed a full refund on your Conference ticket up until Friday 7th May 2021.


Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that participants take out their own travel insurance. It is suggested that the insurance policy should also cover the loss of fees/deposit, airfares, accommodation charges, medical expenses, loss or damage to personal property and repatriation expenses.

The insurance should cover loss arising from the cancellation of the conference by the organisers or a person’s inability to attend due to any reason whatsoever. No responsibility is taken by the conference managers for any person not holding insurance.

Privacy Policy


We recognise that your privacy is very important and we are committed to protecting the personal information we collect from you.

The Privacy Act and the IPP’s govern the way in which we must manage your personal information and this policy sets out how we collect, use, disclose and otherwise manage personal information about you.

We encourage you to check our website regularly for any updates to this privacy policy.


Types of Information collected:

We may collect and hold personal information about you, that is, information that can identify you, such as your name, address, other contact details and other information relevant to providing you with the services you are, or someone else you know, is seeking.

Personal information will generally be collected directly from you through the use of our standard forms, over the internet, via email or through a telephone conversation with you or through day to day business. There may, however, be some instances where personal information about you will be collected indirectly for example where it is not reasonably practicable in the circumstances to collect personal information directly from you. We will endeavour to notify you about these instances in advance, or where that is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable after the information has been collected.

  • Purposes of collection
  • The personal information that we collect and hold about you depends on your interaction with us. Generally, we will collect and hold your personal information for the purposes of:
  • Providing services to you;
  • To respond to queries made by you;
  • To keep ourselves and you informed of the status of a conference or event you have expressed an interest in, or are attending;
  • Providing you with information about other services that we, our related entities and other organisations that we have affiliations with offer, that may be of interest to you;
  • Providing you with promotional information about us, our related entities and other organisations that we have affiliations with;
  • Facilitating our internal business operations, including the fulfilment of any legal requirements;
  • We will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent. By choosing to opt-in when registering your attendance, please note that you have given consent.
  • Analysing our services and customer needs with a view to developing new and/or improved services;
  • To monitor our website performance;
  • Keep you up to date of our achievements, new appointments, future conferences and events.

Internet users

If you access our website, we may collect additional personal information about you in the form of your IP address and/or domain name.

Also, our website may use cookies. The main purpose of cookies is to identify users and to prepare customised web pages for them. Cookies do not identify you personally, but they may link back to a database record about you. If you register on our website, we will then link your cookie back to your personal information details. We use cookies to monitor usage of our website and to create a personal record of when you visit our web site and what pages you view so that we may serve you more effectively.

Failure to provide information

If the personal information you provide to us is incomplete and/or inaccurate, we may be unable to provide you with the services you are seeking.

Use and Disclosure

Generally, we only use and disclose personal information about you for the purposes for which it was collected (as set out above).


We store your personal information in different ways, including in paper and in electronic form. The security of your personal information is important to us. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is stored safely to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including electronic and physical security measures.


You may access personal information we hold about you, upon making a written request. Imagine Experiences or Stafflink will endeavour to acknowledge your request within 14 days of its receipt and to provide you with access to the information requested within 30 days. We may charge you a reasonable fee for processing your request.

We may decline a request for access to personal information in circumstances prescribed by the Privacy Act.

If, upon receiving access to your personal information or at any other time, you believe the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please notify us immediately. We will take reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date. Where practicable, we will inform any third party to whom the personal information has been disclosed that a correction has been made.

SPAM Act 2003 & Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007

Imagine Experiences and Stafflink are committed to observing its obligations under the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007. If you receive a commercial electronic message from us and you do not wish to receive any further messages of this nature from us, please email us at or phone +61 418 887 182.